Saturday, September 26, 2009

Winding down

It's hard to believe it is our third Saturday in Uganda! Today is the day all the Amazima sponsored children come to Katie's for praise and worship and lunch. One thing I have realized is that it is a LOT of work! Katie's commitment to feed, educate, provide medical care and love these children is certainly not an easy journey. It IS the road less traveled. I have heard her say that she can't understand why people at home are interested in what she does, because to her, she is getting up, getting the kids to school, feeding them breakfast, lunch and dinner, getting them to general, being a mom, However there are significant differences in what we consider to be the average mom's workload. First...there are 14, 3 of which are 3 and under, and they will soon be adding one more to the mix for a short time as Josie goes to stay until she is ready to come home with her family. In addition to those duties and responsibilities, she spends untold hours taking children that come to her with a "paining" tooth to the dentist, treating them for malaria, taking them to the doctor, preparing for hundreds to come every Saturday for lunch and Sunday dinner, not to mention arranging for over 1,200 Karamajong children to eat every day. She negotiates business deals to get the most our of every shilling, The Proverbs 31 woman comes to mind...and she is TWENTY. She has chosen the hard road, the road less traveled. And it is just not easy. Not one day is easy. But her heart is determined, intent on the fulfilling the purpose to which she is serve the least of these. And at the end of the day, as she lays her exhausted head down to sleep, I pray that she will know the Savior is smiling and saying, "Well done, my good and faithful servant!" Love you, Katie! Thank you for showing me what loving others well looks like in a beautiful way. May His Presence undergird and strengthen you to continue to walk this hard and beautiful journey.


  1. what a blessing to hear how your heart has seen so much of God while yu are there in Katie ... still carrying my phone to the bathroom here just waiting for my call ...

    love ya

  2. Sweet Renee,
    I'm so happy you are there to love and support these families. I'm praying for you all and can't wait to sit w/ you and hear all your 'God stories'. I love you sweet friend. May Jesus bless your steps and your way as you carry His presence to those around you. Safe travels home! All my love...ANG!
