Saturday, September 5, 2009

Going to Uganda??

When I was a young Christian, I was so afraid that if I truly "sold out" to Jesus, He would send me to Africa! Seriously, I thought, that is just not where I wanted to be! Fortunately for the people of Africa, millions of others didn't feel that way, and as a result of many of their journeys, the stories I've heard from them about how powerfully God is moving there, the great need for love and care that is there, I am now so eager, so thankful to be traveling to Uganda in 5 days! Among the many that have impacted me greatly are my own daughter, Amy, who spent the last 3 summers in Africa, first in Kenya, then in Capetown, South Africa. Her heart for the people there is so tender, and my heart started to change. Another person that has rocked my world, so to speak, is Katie Davis. I am grateful to God for His allowing our life paths to cross. Thirdly, the wonderful families that I know that are adopting children from various parts of Africa and China have opened my eyes to the beauty of God's plan to care for His children, and serve as a huge parallel to His adoption of each of us, His children. So many others...Tina Myers, who spent a summer in Kenya as a college student with Campus Crusade and wanted to raise her children in huts in Africa, Larry Warren, Barbara and Ellie Ambrose, Amy Summers, our Compassion child in Tanzania, Zaina. My heart has changed, and I look forward to seeing what God has in store. I do not take it for granted. In fact, my heart is RACING as I write this!

I have had several people ask me if I was going to blog while I'm in Uganda, and I hadn't planned to, but as I thought about it, I decided it would serve as a tool for me to remember what the days in Uganda looked like, as well as keep my family and friends feeling a part of what I am doing there. So, here we go! First, let me say how grateful and honored I feel to be taking part in this trip! I will be traveling with the Mayernick family and the Keck family as they go to adopt Josie Love and Asher from Uganda. The thrill of seeing those little cherubs placed in these loving families is beyond my ability to express! I am so thankful for the call God has placed on their hearts to take one of "the least of these" and make them their own. The Oatsvall's and the Doyle's will also be adopting from the same orphanage, and we are praying that our time overlaps with theirs as they come to take Joseph, Daisy and Judah home!

Additionally, I will be visiting Katie Davis ( whose blog I started following about a year ago. This young woman has turned my heart inside out with her burning passion to serve Jesus in Uganda. Her story is in her blog, and it is simply a MUST READ. I would never do justice in re-telling it, but she is a 20 year old Brentwood, TN native, who felt the call to Uganda as a young girl. She went to Uganda the first time with her mother before she finished high school. Her work there led her to a pastor that asked her to come back and teach kindergarten after she graduated high school. She went, thinking she'd have 12 children in her class. The first day 132 children showed up, ages 3-14 or so! When she asked why so many and so many different ages, the pastor explained it was because it was free! There is no free education in Uganda. Katie learned that it would cost about $300 a year per child to send them to school, pay for 2 meals a day, get medical care and clothes for school. The number sent her reeling, and she called her mother and said, "we have to do something about this!" SHE DID. By the end of the year, she had raised enough money to send 150 kids to school! Out of this, Amazima Ministries was formed, and now Amazima sends about 500 kids to school! Additionally, this passionate, young, crazy woman (ha!) has adopted 13 daughters of her own, children who had no one to care for them. She is raising girls, ages 2-14there in Uganda. This past year she felt the Lord calling her to help the poorest of the poor in the area where she lives...the Karamajong people. The result of that is she has started a feeding program that feeds about 1,200 children A DAY. I am so humbled and grateful to go and witness with my own eyes what this even looks like! You really do have to go and read her blog for a MUCH BETTER description of what she does, and most importantly, a picture of her heart. It will change forewarned! ;-)
I covet and appreciate your prayers as we go!
In his grip!


  1. Renee,

    Woohoo! I'm your first follower and your first commenter! Way to go on the blog. I can't wait to follow your journey to Uganda...I guess it's the next best thing, since I can't go with you! I'm trying not to pout about that. Anyway, bless you my friend! You're going to have an amazing experience! My heart and prayers go with you!


  2. P.S. YOU were my first commenter when I started my blog last year! ;)

  3. I'm your second! :) Can't wait to follow along. We are getting internet at our apartment in Arusha, so no more $5 an hour just to get read blogs and facebook. See you soon!

  4. I'm your third! Renee, please thell Al and the children I will help in anyway while you are gone. I have Andrew everyday, so if he needs anything it's a few steps away. Tell Alysse too. I will be praying for all of you. Much love Rhonda Smith

  5. Along Rhonda S.'s comments, Al and Andrew can come up the road for some home cookin' any night they wish! I'll call 'em, though! Almost time and I'm jealous...just reminding you of that. Bring back some babies to Grand Oaks!!

  6. I'll be following along and praying. Love, Elaine

  7. Renee, I'm so ready to hear from you. I want to know that all is well, especially you, don't mean to be prejudice, just the way it is. I hope
    your computer is working and we will be getting updates soon. We have had a good day. We went to church and then went by to visit Frank and Nancy Connor for awhile. Frank is doing much better. I miss you so much that I just have to have a little cry for awhile. I'll be better when I read that you are okay.
    I love you from here to the moon,Mom

  8. I sent a note earlier today, but evidently it didn't register. So, I'll try again. I didn't get the injection today. I'll tell you the details later. I start the physical therepy Thursday. I hope all is well with you. I'm so sorry for Susan. I'm praying for she and her family.
