Friday, September 18, 2009

Today is Friday, which marks one week in Uganda. In some ways, it seems like it's gone fast, but in other ways it feels like we've been here forever, because of all that has happened since we've been here! But what I have witnessed has been such a blessing. I have witnessed true humility and faith in my friends as they walk in complete trust in their Father. I have witnessed LOVE. Love for children, love for the Savior, love that chooses pain that comes with stepping outside the comfort zone, love that would choose hardship for the joy that will come, love that is unconditional. I have witnessed the amazing grace of God at work in our lives to do His will and accomplish His purpose. My time with Mike, Suzanne, Dana, Katie, Asher, Josie, and all 14 of Katie's girls has blessed me, deepened my faith and made me see the love of Jesus clearly. I am so grateful!
Today we are at Flavours, a coffee shop in Jinja, and I pray the internet doesn't go down before I send this. We have had breakfast and lunch here, Without leaving in between. I think that means we are on African time. We have visited with each other and met new friends. I saw Josie for a few minutes today, and she looked adorable in her pink dress! Asher has had a great day, hanging out with Mommy and me in Jinja. He sat and colored for at least 2 hours, which is amazing.
Ok, so the power in all of Jinja went out before I could post today’s blog or get on facebook, so I will try again tomorrow to load pictures! I am at Amani right now, looking out over the yard where all the children are playing. I will sign off today with a grateful heart, and pray that I can post this tomorrow when the power and the internet come back up! Love and blessings from Uganda! 


  1. Renee, you have the new MS President! He is doing great! Tell Susanne I am checking on her kido's too! Love you and pryaing daily for all of you. Hug Dana for me, and tell her her kids are great!

  2. So good to hear from you! You are deeply loved, and I know that God placed you specifically on this trip for such a time as this...

  3. i just keep popping over her to get a taste of Uganda ... thanks so much for sweet words and for loving on all on everyone, for being an extra pair of hands, a shoulder to lean on, and someone who would lift them all up in prayers ... love ya girl and can't wait for pictures ...

    give my kids a kiss for me!!
